In the 2nd quarter of 2011, we started working for Clorox, implementing redesigns of and as well as providing ongoing technical leadership on a collection of existing brands (, and others).

The Clorox Professional site was completely re-imagined and rebuilt from scratch. We integrated a beautiful design provided by Critical Mass with hundreds of pages describing 43 products and three industries. Custom functionality included a recipe database, a product filter and tool for finding a reseller.
This project provided two great challenges: substantial, complex material and a tight deadline. We augmented the internal Clorox team with three of our own to build out the product pages rapidly. Despite great effort up front in designing the site and preparing the copy, we continually struggled with ambiguous or missing information. Despite these challenges, we delivered a great site on time. Feedback from the client was universally positive, especially that from brand managers at Clorox.

In the first quarter of 2011, our most significant work was on a Facebook gamed called Hollywood Magic™ from AltEgo. We provided
- Facebook Graph API expertise,
- analytics implementation,
- REST services, and
- basic database admin tools.
Hollywood Magic launched in April 2011 and can be played at <>. We were grateful to get this business from Red i Studios. We used the latest PHP and Javascript SDKs from Facebook for this project. We implemented Google Analytics, Kontagent, KISSmetrics and Mixpanel. We also used jQuery for admin tools.
At the end of the project, our contact, Julie said of Leon:
He is a pleasure to work with. He has a great work ethic, works well with others and has good communication skills. He’s a strong problem solver and consistently delivers on schedule.

Another project close to launch, and currently in beta, is PicsChecker™. This application pairs with an application running on an Android phone to capture photos and SMS messages. Events are stored in database and reported to user via email. The application aims to keep kids safe through parental monitoring. The application was built using the FreeEnergy PHP framework and Yahoo! YUI javascript library.